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Sonny Lubick is Fired

I was asked the question, "How did Sonny Lubick get fired" from friends who live outside of Colorado. My response:
You know sports fans. They eat their young. Seriously. I realized it in it's sheer brutality when playing soccer this summer on an adjacent field to a football practice. We're talking about 10 year old kids, all jacked up on deer's blood smackin' the tears out of each other while their fathers shout expletives at them. Now, apply that lizard-brain behavior to Colorado State's coaching situation. You think the thought, "Before Lubick I didn't even know CSU had a football team...maybe we still have a good thing here," ever crossed the great divide between their shrunken lobes? I think not. And so now they'll embrace coach Fairchild, as an alumn with NFL pedigree, who they forget is known for inventing the "I run the draw on every 3'rd and long play" strategy. The water will quickly chill for Lubick's replacement who is simply a vehicle for creating the nostalgia and legend of the eminent coach. 'Tis the way of the world my friend.

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