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Christmas Eve Eve

I'm doing a little home building research and I finally got sick of the healing light infomercial that came on after the basketball game (Florida vs Ohio St.), featuring that douche from "Heart to Heart". I thought I'd find a Christmas show to put on in the background for my wife to wrap gifts to. Unbelievably, at 4 pm on Christmas Eve Eve, I was only able to find a single show on the hundreds of channels we have with the word Christmas in it. Is O'Reilly right? Have the liberals killed Christmas? Of course not, the capitalists killed Christmas, and I couldn't care less. The new version is more fun anyway. Call me a hedonist if you like, but I'm enjoying the one Christmas show on...a cartoon full of Caucasian middle-easterners in a re-enactment of the baby Jesus story...on the Black Family Channel. What could be more entertaining?


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