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How To Be A Republican

So far I've been able to resist posting my thoughts on politics. For those of you who know me, this has been an amazing feat, given my intense interest in the subject. Well, I'm hangin' up the cleats, calling it a record, and moving on. Here is my first political post. I hope this isn't a watershed event that derails the intent of this blog (I've had political blogs before).

I'm almost ashamed of what is bringing the streak to an end. I detest partisan politics, as it's basically an exercise of fandom rather than logic, and I loathe arguing issues that only matter on TV and at fund raisers. So, if I'm so high-minded, why am I about to break my no-politics-blog streak for what amounts to a lame forward? Because, I'm bored, because I found it funny, because I found it sad. Most of all because a coworker read me a really lame anti-Dem forward this week involving cave men that wasn't even remotely whitty. Let's be honest, Dems do whitty and creative well, Republicans hold up a lack of imagination as party discipline and call it a virtue. You're thinking I must be a Democrat. Well, that's true, but it's also true that I was a Republican, and very well could be a Republican again. I just don't support the Republican party of today, which is certainly not the Republican party of my youth. To be a Republican since the 80's and still hold that affiliation is to be blindly faithful...or rich.

So here it is, a link to a post about "How To Be A Republican".


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