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Signs of the Apocalypse

Colorado is a different place. I say different because I grew up on the East coast and didn't move out West until college. I can still remember my impression of Colorado, a cold, mountainous state, filled with environmentally conscious citizens who wore skis in the winter, and Birkenstocks in the summer. However, the reality is far different. While the state has pockets of this sort of citizenry, such as Boulder, it is by and large populated by conservative consumers. As for the environment, Colorado boasts an average of 300 days of sunshine each year, which accounts for the surprisingly mild winters. All in all, Colorado resembles most western states. Yesterday, I received further concrete evidence of this assertion when I picked up the local newspaper from my driveway. At first glance, I thought it was a joke, but it's for real, a mass marketing campaign to sell people concealed weapon permits. The ad even states that it's "Easy for everyone". Well, I better grab the neices and nephews for this one and head on over, just in case the Russians invade "Red Dawn" style. I'd hate to be unprepared.


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