I'm officially hooked on YouTube. This is the sort of thing that could cause me to lose all color in my face, as I shun the light of day in exchange for unlimited video entertainment. YouTube's slogan, "Broadcast Yourself", is apparently catching on, as you can find just about any type of person doing any type of activity on this site, all delivered with amazing speed to your computer. To provide you with an example of the content, I'm currently working my way through a long list of concert segments for a band named "What Made Milwaukee Famous" (mentioned earlier on this space), who has yet to have an official album release.
YouTube is carrying the torch of viral media marketing that Napster began (see Dane Cook), allowing people with bandwidth and time to drift from content of one artist to another, discovering musicians who would otherwise been unknown to them. Of course, this is a very narrow interpretation of the value of the site. Like Myspace, or the phenomenon of blogging, YouTube is a leader in the revolution of amateur content publishing. Suddenly, everyone has something to offer, whether a demonstration of talent, or a utter lack of it. Both extremes have proven entertaining to the masses.
Case in point: Talentless, possibly retarded, big fan of "right russians", "Colorado bulldogs, "The Big Lebowski", and most likely cocaine...truly entertaining
Case in point: Talented, What Made Milwaukee Famous as zombies in a new video for their song, "Selling Yourself Short".
Other representative videos:
Hot young asian girl dances in her room to techno song.
The Daily Show on the end of the world
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