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Perhaps This Blog Thing Wasn't Such a Good Idea

I was just taking a look at a random sampling of the blog content out there and something disturbing struck me suddenly. Am I contributing to the mass of garbage out there on the information superhighway, that is, the very same mass of garbage which stifles people like me in their quest for information that actually holds some value? Perhaps I'm overthinking things (well, I know I'm overthinking things, but excuse my artistic license), but a quick look at this random sampling (those blogs that were "recently updated") and I think think you'll have a good idea of what I'm talking about:

Let's start with the first offendor, "Meaning of Travel @ SamSam's Rice Cooker". The title alone provides the argument. I mean, I have to give it to the guy for his resilience in hanging onto the "@" symbol long after the bursting tech bubble rendered it out of style, but aren't titles supposed to mean something? What the fuck? Who knows, maybe he's a Madison Avenue marketing exec and I'm the schmuck, because I couldn't help but check it out. What you'll find, if you have two minutes of your life to piss away, is a collection of travel photos, mostly consisting of some poor bastards little blue bear positioned in front of international landmarks such as a locket commemorating the relationship between Lady Diana and Doudi Fado or whatever the hell that master of elongating the whole five minutes of fame thing's name is. Looking at it in its totality, I'm not sure whether I envy the guy for the number of passport stamps he's acquired or feel sorry for him for the fact that the only thing he can do when he gets to these places is take a picture of a fucking blue stuffed animal. At least he had the decency to splatter his page with a steady stream of question marks. I'm certainly puzzled.

The second blog I visited along the way didn't immediately look to be fruit-bearing as far as this argument is concerned. Let's face it, that first site set a rather high bar in the visually-puzzling category. Instead, "Diamond Geezer" looks rather drab, with its muted hues and amateurish graphical interpretations of playing cards. Ah, but look closer my friend. This diamond geezer is so filled with self-loathing that he lists flushing the toilet as one of his many crimes of the day in his entry titled, "Planet Murdering". I'd like to think I'm as socially conscious as the next guy, but jesus, this smacks of deeper issues that can only be explored with professional help.

Finally, I rest my case with "Buy Condylox". Let me know if you know what the hell is going on with this site (seriously, call me and we'll discuss over good drink). The entries say, "...Mr. Pusha-man", but the posts say, "You gotta know when to hold 'em...".

So, I could go either way on this thing. Either I think, "My god, what amount of garbage on the internet is enough....WHYYYYY?" Or, I could take a long look at sites like those above and start charging you poor bastards for the right to read such amazing content ;) Did I mention MC Hammer has a featured blog?


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